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March 02, 2012
Have you heard about our web based doula business management program yet? Let me introduce you to YourDoulaBiz.
YourDoulaBiz was born in August of 2011 as the result of a former database programmer (me) becoming a doula. I used to manage my own data with some really awesome Excel spreadsheets, but was never satisfied with that solution. One of my biggest complaints was my inability to access these spreadsheets while away from my computer. The spreadsheets were never easy enough to use that I kept them current either.
My system just wasn't working! I'll share some embarassing examples. Would you like to hear about the time I forget whether a client paid me our not? How about the many many births where I forgot to take notes because I thought I would remember the details and then didn't remember the details after all. Then there is the very exciting end of the year tax time scramble where I attempt to retrace all of my car trips in order to determine my mileage driven. I needed a better system.
YourDoulaBiz is the system of my doula dreams. It stores all of your client information(including payment data!). There is a nice visual of your call calendar which helps with client inquiries and bookings. You can track all of your tasks (like prenatal, labor, followup and networking events) and include the mileage and expenses associated with them. There is a great birth record form to record all sorts of data from a birth. This month we are even releasing a new funationality where you can share records with your doula backup! I am organizing and on top of the management of my doula business and you can be too. Oh and best of all, it's accessible from any device that connects to the internet (computer, smart phone, iPad).
We have lots of happy customers. They have this to say...
"I really like how I can see the summary of details from births I have attended. This will be a big help when I interviewing with potential clients!" Nicole HCHI, HCHD Lawrenceville, GA www.AdventuresInChildbirth.com
"I love YourDoulaBiz. It has really gotten me organized and everything I need is a click or two away. I love how it tracks outcomes and provides a summary as well. Thank you so much for this incredible service!" Danielle Freudenberg, CD(DONA) EmergingMiracles.com
"YourDoulaBiz helps keep all of my client's organized in one place, which makes keeping notes securely available anywhere I have internet access and so much easier come the end of the year." -www.comfortingtouchdoula.com Albuquerque, NM
"YourDoulaBiz keeps me much more organized than I’ve ever been on my own. Doesn’t quite compare with my inexperienced attempts at creating Excel spreadsheetsJ. I think my clients, my finances (keeping detailed records, easy access for tax information, etc) and my overall business will greatly benefit from using YourDoulaBiz." Liz Johnson Birth Doula/Childbirth Educator- CAPPA www.embracebirthsupport.com
Have I tempted you to sign-up? We have very afforadable plans which can be paid in one yearly payment or on a monthly basis.
February 20, 2013
THIS LOOKS LIKE JUST WHAT I WOULD NEED TO KEEP CLARITY IN THE BUSINESS END OF DOULA WORK. I will return when I get my certification completed. Thanks so much!
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August 22, 2013
Thanks so much for a great product. I really enjoy using it to keep everything organized. —Jenny, Hypnobabies instructor and hypno-doula in Atlanta