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11 pounds and 4 ounces, At Home, No Drugs, No Tear

December 18, 2012

On this day 3 years ago I gave birth to my fourth child, second son and largest baby.  It was a short and intense home waterbirth that was preceded by several bouts of prodromal labor in the days leading up to his birth.  Unfortunately my doula didn't make it to the birth in time, but I was supported by a wonderful birth team including my husband, midwife, mother, best friend and two daughters.  We let my then 2 year old son sleep through the event.

Whenever I am asked the question "How much did your babies weigh?"  I always hesitate to give the real answer when it comes to this baby.  Usually people get really wide eyed.  They usually then ask whether I had drugs, a Csection, a big tear etc.  My answer is "no" to them all.

I am so blessed to have found out about homebirth and waterbirth.  I really feel that without these two options my birth experience with this baby would have been so different.

Check out the expression on my daughter's face when she sees the baby!"

1 Response


June 07, 2015

i had a almost 10 pounder no tears thank g-d
g-d bless you
you are amazing

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