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July Doula Tips - Day 16 - Keep thank you notes from clients somewhere you can read often.

August 08, 2012

[caption id="attachment_217" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Cherished Notes from Clients"][/caption]

Keep thank you notes from clients somewhere you can read often.  I have two metal (IKEA) bulletin boards where I put mine.  After a particularly challenging day I like to read through them.  They really lift your mood! What do you do with client thank you notes?

Carolyn Fasnacht I do exactly the same thing!!  Such a mood booster :)
Jodi Vanier Moore I have a scrapbook that my first client gave to me.  I keep memorable things in there.
Anaïs McKinney I keep them in a box but I love this idea!
Amy DeGraw Peterson Cute! I have sort of done the same thing on my website.  My testimonials page has excerpts from evaluations and thank yous.  http://houndhill.com/testimonials.html

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