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January 31, 2014
In the first few weeks of the year my top priority is to set the goals for my doula business for the upcoming year. I used to scribble this down on paper, then started keeping the list electronically. For 2013, I made the leap to a more professional and FUN method of tracking goals called "Create Your Amazing Year". This women-centric workbook just begs to be completed with its fun artwork and great fill in the blank style. One of the goals that I have written down for the year is to keep in touch with past clients.
Why I keep in touch with past clients
I get so much pleasure out of seeing recent photos, hearing stories and just connecting with people that I have worked with in the past. Doing things that make you happy can't be bad, right?
2) I love referrals
I love getting a referral from a past client. If you clients will send their friends your way then you know that they were please with your work. Booking up with referral makes you job of marketing much easier. You won't have to spend time looking for clients if they come looking for you.
3) I love repeat clients (even more that referrals)
How fun is it to work with a couple again? I love it! Once you have established that working relationship it makes number 2 or 3 or 4 much easier and so fun too. Keeping in touch will help your client remember to make you one of the first people to tell about their pregnancy.
How I keep in touch
My favorite way to keep in touch with my clients is by remembering their child's birthday. I'll admit that some months go by without me remembering to do this (and that is why I have made it a goal!). If you are a YourDoulaBiz user then this process is very easy. At the end of every month, YourDoulaBiz users receive a Birthday Reminder Report for the following month. This report contains a list of all clients who gave birth in the upcoming month and all of the important information (name, gender, birthdate, email, address). Once I get this report, I will either send a birthday card or an email with my birthday wishes. If I have a new childbirth class or service offering I might include a little note about what I'm up to and how I so appreciate their referrals.
Keeping in touch with past clients is a big goal for me this year. Will you add it to your list?
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April 15, 2014
Where on YourDoulaBiz do you put in the baby’s due date in order to be reminded a year later? I only see the due date slot.